By the way, this video:
is one of my new favorites on this site. It reminds me of my college days and even nowadays with my wife. Watch it if you like.
is one of my new favorites on this site. It reminds me of my college days and even nowadays with my wife. Watch it if you like.
6 inches is usually my minimum. (unless it's my 3rd time in the same day) If I go a week without an orgasm, my first spurt will usually shoot at least 2 feet. If I go 2 weeks, it'll be at least 3+ feet the first spurt and then 6 or 7 more that range from a foot to a few inches as it winds down. The longest I went was 21 days without an orgasm and when I did have sex, I lasted about 30 seconds and it came out so forcefully that I actually heard it splashing off of her breasts and so much came out that there was 2 wet spots on the bed from it dripping down both sides of her.
But that was about 10 years ago with a girl I was dating and didn't get to see every weekend.
Maybe if you managed to go 7 days without an orgasm you might be able to get some distance and/or volume from your orgasm, who knows? I've always been somewhat of a high volume spurter, though, all the way back to when I was 18.
But that was about 10 years ago with a girl I was dating and didn't get to see every weekend.
Maybe if you managed to go 7 days without an orgasm you might be able to get some distance and/or volume from your orgasm, who knows? I've always been somewhat of a high volume spurter, though, all the way back to when I was 18.