Then we should wait for the postman. Until them I lend against the table, and pull your hips backward, so that my hard cock glides slowly into you. You rub your clit at the same time, and you get extremely excited. Finally the guy cums, and you tell him to drop his pants. He obeys, and you stroke him hard. Your hand glides on his ass, and you guide him towards you. I feel his cock gliding into your pussy, and he starts to fuck you. I watch your sexy ass while I feel you both, while I get extremly horny myself. I pull your hips, so that you don't move to fast and make me cum early. After a minute or two he is at the point of no return. I stay up from the table, and we both fuck you staying there. I feel my cum shooting out while I scream into your ear, and he also finishes. At the same time you scream loud, and your twitching body feels incredibly hot.
Una postura ideal para "trabajar"... primero le haría un trabajo oral... para que fuera tomando nota y para calentar motores y prepararla bien para poder meterle todo el trabajo duro